Jonathan Ng
Call: 2020 (HK)


  • BCL, University of Oxford (Distinction)
  • PCLL, University of Hong Kong (Distinction)
  • LLB, University of Hong Kong (First Class Honours; 1st in Class)
  • BBA (Law), University of Hong Kong (First Class Honours)


电话:(+852) 2523 2003


姓名:Lilian Wong
电话:(+852) 2248 1972



English, Cantonese and Putonghua


  • 仲裁
  • 银行 / 金融
  • 建筑物 / 建造
  • 民事欺诈 / 资产追回
  • 商业纠纷
  • 公司法
  • 竞争法
  • 衡平法 / 信托
  • 禁制令 / 藐视法庭
  • 破产清盘
  • 精神健康
  • 遗产 / 继承
  • 财产及物业转移
  • 归还索偿 / 不当得益
  • 证券法及监管
  • 出版刊物

  • 2021 – Present Contributing Editor of the Hong Kong Civil Procedure
  • 奖学金 / 奖项

  • Peter Vine Postgraduate Law Scholarship
  • Best Written Pleadings, Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot (International Competition)
  • Brian McElney Medal in Law
  • JAC Hui Bon Hoa Prize in Corporate and Commercial Transactions
  • Hou De Charitable Foundation Scholarship
  • Hong Kong Trustee Association Prize in Equity and Trusts
  • Dean’s Honours List
  • HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship
  • HKU Foundation Scholarship for Outstanding Students
  • Bank of China (HK) – HKU Students Scholarship
  • Mayer Brown JSM Prize in Law of Tort
  • Lee Shau Kee Scholarships
  • Grantham Scholars of the Year
  • Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prize
  • 专业经验

    Jonathan joined Chambers after completing his pupillage with Mr Derek Chan SC, Mr Anthony Chan (now Mr Anthony Chan SC), Mr Wilson Leung, and Mr James Man. He is developing a broad civil practice and accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work.


    遗产 / 继承
  • Re Estate of Nina Kung

    [2023] 2 HKLRD 1221 (CA): Beddoe application, security for costs (led by Sara Tong SC)

    [2023] HKCA 461: Claim for alleged breach of fiduciary duties by the administrators, leave to appeal to CFA (led by Sara Tong SC)
  • Fok Chun Yue Benjamin & others v Fok Chun Wan Ian & others HCA 92, 274, 275/2016: Trial in respect of claims for breach of settlement agreement, breach of duty of disclosure (led by Victor Dawes SC); [2022] HKCFI 3434: Costs consequential upon settlement agreement
  • 商业纠纷
  • Real Estate and Finance Fund (in liq) v Sun Cheuk Pak Alan (HCA 938/2022): 19-day trial in respect of liquidators’ recovery action for unlawful means conspiracy, breach of fiduciary duties, dishonest assistance (led by Abraham Chan SC, with John Cheung)
  • Bonds Group Co Ltd v Kwan Daniel [2024] 1 HKLRD 541, [2024] 2 HKC 461 (CA): Claims for breach of letter of intent (led by Victor Dawes SC)
  • 廈門新景地集團有限公司 v Eton Properties Ltd

    [2024] HKCFI 1291: Trial in respect of assessment of quantum in common law action on the arbitral award (led by Bernard Man SC, with James Man)

    [2023] 4 HKC 373: anti-arbitration injunction to restrain continuation of arbitration before CIETAC Tribunal (led by Edward Chan SC, with James Man)
  • Delco Participation BV v Chiho Environmental Group Ltd

    HCA 2943/2015, HCA 3040/2015, HCA 2939/2016: 15-day trial in respect of claims for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty (led by Victor Dawes SC, with James Man)

    [2020] 5 HKLRD 712, [2021] 2 HKC 411 (CA): application to amend defence and counterclaim, equitable set-off, limitation period (led by Victor Dawes SC)
  • 破产清盘
  • Re Bridge Global Absolute Return Fund SPC [2024] HKCFI 1160: recognition and assistance in aid of foreign liquidator’s investigation, order for production of documents against third parties
  • Re Joy Rich Development Ltd [2024] 3 HKC 257 (CA appeal; led by Bernard Man SC); [2022] 5 HKLRD 1021, [2023] 1 HKC 361 (leave to appeal): application by liquidators to set aside court order granting creditors conduct of action against company and have conduct of action reverting to liquidators
  • Re Zhan Xiangming [2024] 2 HKC 191: application for leave to apply for annulment of bankruptcy order
  • Ling Wai Hoi v Jetland Global Investments Ltd [2022] 5 HKLRD 156 (CA): application to set aside a statutory demand (led by Bernard Man SC)
  • 公司法
  • China Stem Cells Holdings Ltd v Zheng Ting [2024] HKCFI 481: Trial in respect of validity of documents relating to transfer of shares (led by Eva Sit SC, with John Chan)
  • Chu Kong v Lau Wing Yan [2023] HKCFI 2703: Application to strike out double derivative action against liquidators (led by Victor Joffe SC, with Justin Ho)
  • Moorthy Selvaraj v Karupayee Ammel [2021] 4 HKLRD 794: Determination of costs upon dismissal of winding-up petition in respect of a company being put into voluntary winding-up
  • 财产及物业转移
  • Donora Co Ltd v Incorporated Owners of Tsuen Kam Centre (2024) 27 HKCFAR 166, [2024] 3 HKC 369 (CFA appeal; led by Benjamin Yu SC, with James Man); [2023] 2 HKC 251 (CA appeal; led by Bernard Man SC): Construction of deed of mutual covenant
  • Sun Crystal Ltd v The Personal Representatives of the Estate of Cheng Chow Yee [2023] HKCFI 2945: Vesting order, common intention constructive trust (led by Jonathan Chang SC)
  • Simply Power Limited v Billy Chua [2023] HKCFI 944 (16-day trial; led by Victor Dawes SC); [2023] HKCFI 1685 (costs; led by Rimsky Yuen SC and Victor Dawes SC): Claims for alleged misrepresentations in conveyancing transaction, forfeiture of deposits
  • 竞争法
  • Competition Commission v ATAL Building Services Engineering Ltd [2023] 5 HKLRD 665, [2024] 1 HKC 349: Kam Kwong proceedings, discovery of cooperation agreements between Competition commission and respondents, confidentiality protocols (led by Paul Shieh SC)
  • 雇佣
  • Manulife Financial Asia Ltd v Kenneth Joseph Rappold [2024] HKCFI 989: enforcement of non-competition covenant in employment contract
  • 禁制令 / 藐视法庭
  • Cheng Ka Yan v Grand Xi Investments Pte Ltd [2023] HKCFI 886: interlocutory injunction restraining former directors from holding themselves out as directors (led by Benjamin Yu SC, with Anthony Chan)
  • Yan Yu Ying v Leung Wing Hei [2022] 3 HKLRD 270, [2022] 5 HKC 403: interlocutory injunction in respect of Bitcoins (led by Bernard Man SC)
  • 公法 / 司法复核
  • Sham Tsz Kit v Secretary for Justice (2023) 26 HKCFAR 385, [2023] 6 HKC 91 (substantive appeal); (2023) 26 HKCFAR 478, [2023] 6 HKC 173 (relief): right to privacy and family, same sex marriage (led by Stewart Wong SC and Johnny Ma SC)
  • 其他
  • Re Simpson QC [2021] 1 HKLRD 715, [2021] 3 HKC 88 (CA): ad hoc admission of overseas silk without instructing local barrister (led by Gladys Li SC, Stewart Wong SC, with Anthony Chan)
  • Wanzhou Meng v HSBC HCMP 251/2021: Norwich Pharmacal order in aid of foreign proceedings (led by Bernard Man SC, with James Man)
  • 仲裁
  • HKIAC Rules: 10-day arbitration in respect of a US$24 million claim arising from contracts of suretyship (led by Paul Shieh SC, with Justin Ho)
  • UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules: claims for breach of tenancy agreement (led by Victor Dawes SC)
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