Jennifer Fan
“Jennifer has clear and concise thinking that is expressed in uncluttered legal ideas” – The Legal 500 (Asia Pacific 2024)




  • 牛津大学民法硕士学位
  • 香港大学法学专业证书
  • 香港大学法律博士(一等荣誉)
  • 哈佛大学文学士(优等,Phi Beta Kappa优等生荣誉协会会员)


电话:(+852) 2523 2003


电话:(+852) 2248 1841





  • 仲裁
  • 民事欺诈 / 资产追回
  • 商业纠纷
  • 衡平法 / 信托
  • 家事 / 婚姻
  • 禁制令 / 藐视法庭
  • 遗产 / 继承
  • 财产及物业转移
  • 归还索偿 / 不当得益
  • 出版刊物

  • Co-Author (with Alexander Stock S.C.), Legal Opinion on Directors’ Duties and Disclosure Obligations under Hong Kong Law in the Context of Climate Change Risks and Considerations, commissioned by the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative
  • Contributing Author, Hotten and Ho on Family and Divorce Law in Hong Kong (2019 - 2020)
  • 奖学金 / 奖项

  • 中殿律师学院律师培训奖学金
  • Merton Lawyers的BCL奖学金
  • 香港赛马会研究生奖学金
  • 香港卓越奖学金计划——研究生奖学金
  • 香港特别行政区政府奖学金
  • 天博大律师事务所实习奖
  • 法律领域学年最佳整体表现Betty Ho奖
  • 香港大学法律博士奖(权益和信托)
  • 香港大学法律博士奖(土地法)
  • Herbert Smith Freehills竞争法模拟法庭竞赛(国际竞赛)最佳书面备忘录
  • 德辅大律师事务所大律师奖学金
  • 法律领域学年最佳整体表现Betty Ho奖
  • 港大学法律博士奖(侵权法)
  • 香港大学法律博士奖(刑法)
  • Phi Beta Kappa优等生荣誉协会
  • John Harvard Scholar荣誉称号
  • John Harvard Scholar荣誉称号
  • 专业经验



    在成为大律师之前,范咏琛在哈佛大学完成了她的文学士学位并取得优等生荣誉,因其毕业成绩位于其学系前10%而被选中加入Phi Beta Kappa优等生荣誉协会。随后,她在香港大学以班级总排名第一的成绩取得法学博士学位,并在股权和信托、土地法、侵权法和刑法中荣获最佳成绩奖。此后,她在牛津大学完成了民法硕士学位。


  • Xue Boran & Or v Hui Chi Sum & Or HCA 2493/2018
    [2024] HKCFI 349 – Represented the Plaintiffs in a successful 10-day High Court trial in a loan recovery case, acting as advocate and conducting cross-examination in Cantonese (with Zenith Chan); [2023] HKCFI 1272 –Successfully resisted the defendants’ late application to amend pleadings before trial (sole advocate)
  • Bonds Group Company Limited v Kwan Daniel & Ors CACV 6/2023
    [2023] HKCA 1365 – Represented the 1st and 2nd Defendants in a successful appeal and cross appeal of Deputy High Court Judge Douglas Lam S.C.s judgment in [2022] HKCFI 3674, concerning a dispute regarding a Letter of Intent for the sale and purchase of shares of a company holding a real estate development project (led by Rimsky Yuen S.C.)
  • Currently representing a subsidiary company of a State-Owned Enterprise in defending a multi-million USD claim by a bank under an alleged assignment agreement (sole advocate)
  • Chim Pui Chung v Lam Chun Hung HCA 13/2019 – Summary judgment application involving a $100 million HKD loan (sole advocate)
  • Lei Shing Hong Credit Limited v Accufast Limited HCMP 1749/2014 – Appeared on behalf of the plaintiff in successfully resisting defendant’s application to adduce further expert evidence (sole advocate)
  • Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., Hong Kong v Yong Yu Global Pte Ltd and China Merchant Bank Co. Ltd., Singapore Branch HCA 90/ 2019 – Successful summary judgment application involving letters of credit (led by Rimsky Yuen S.C.)
  • 仲裁
  • Currently representing a Chinese technology company in setting aside an order granting leave to enforce a 100 million USD NAI Arbitration award concerning a intellectual property dispute (led by Benjamin Yu S.C., Rimsky Yuen S.C., Victor Dawes S.C. and with James Man); A v B [2022] HKCFI 607 – Successfully obtained adjournment of enforcement proceedings of the said NAI arbitration award in Hong Kong pending determination of setting aside proceedings in the supervisory court in the Netherlands (led by Benjamin Yu S.C. and Rimsky Yuen S.C. and with James Man); advised client on various steps in the Hong Kong and other parallel proceedings both on my own and with the rest of the counsel team
  • Acted for two sister corporate companies in parallel proceedings involving an HKIAC arbitration (with Victor Joffe and Elizabeth Cheung) and an interim injunction application in aid of intended SIAC arbitration (led by Paul Shieh S.C. and with Elizabeth Cheung)
  • Acted for a respondent in resisting a HKIAC Emergency Relief application concerning a 2 billion USD dispute arising out of a joint venture investment agreement (led by Benjamin Yu S.C. and Paul Shieh S.C., with Eva Sit [now Eva Sit S.C.] and Harrison Miao)
  • Acted for the applicant in a HKIAC Emergency Relief application in a multi-million US dollar commercial dispute (led by Victor Dawes S.C.)
  • 禁制令 / 藐视法庭
  • A v B HCMP 1609 /2021 – Appeared on behalf of a foreign company in a 2 billion USD civil fraud case. Successfully obtained ex parte and substantive pre-action disclosure orders and ancillary gagging and anonymity orders against the defendant (sole advocate)
  • AIG Insurance Hong Kong Ltd v Lynn McCullough [2019] HKCFI 1649; [2019] 3 HKLRD 641 – application to set aside an anti-suit injunction in Hong Kong against non-parties to an arbitration agreement (with Elizabeth Cheung); [2020] HKCFI 1793 – successfully obtained partial leave to appeal the CFI’s decision refusing to set aside the said anti-suit injunction (led by Benjamin Yu S.C. and with Elizabeth Cheung)
  • 衡平法 / 信托
  • Chen Jinhui v Wong Kam San & Others [2021] HKCFI 710 – 16-day trial concerning contractual, trust, and restitution claims over shares of a Hong Kong corporation holding interests in mining rights and an iron ore in Liaoning Province (led by Wong Yan Lung S.C. and with Andrea Yu); [2022] HKCA 1522 – Partially succeeded in resisting the Defendants’ application to introduce fresh evidence on appeal (led by Eugene Fung S.C. and with Andrea Yu) (CA) ; [2023] HKCA 513 – Successfully resisted the Defendants’ application for leave to appeal the CA’s decision in [2022] HKCA 1522 (led by Eugene Fung S.C. and with Andrea Yu) (CA)
  • 家事 / 婚姻+
  • Currently representing the petitioner wife in a hundred-million-dollar ancillary relief case (with Eugene Yim and Bonnie Cheng); appeared in a specific discovery application hearing (with Eugene Yim)
  • LYCP v JEK [2019] HKCFI 1588; [2019] HKFLR 238 - Appeared on behalf of the husband in an 8-day trial (with Deepak Nagpal (now Deepak Nagpal K.C.) and Bonnie Cheng). Issues included a pre-nuptial agreement, avoidance of disposition under s.17 MPPO (Cap. 192), third party contribution, soft loans and discretionary trusts
  • Appeared on behalf of the respondent wife in an ancillary relief case which concerned issues regarding the access of a mentally incapacitated adult child of the family, and intended parallel proceedings to the Guardianship Board. Succeeded in achieving amicable settlement on behalf of the wife with respect to both the ancillary relief proceedings and as to access (sole advocate)
  • Appeared (on my own, and being led) in other family law hearings, discovery, determination of preliminary issues under TL v ML, s.17 MPPO (Cap. 192), maintenance pending suit, and child custody
  • Advised on and drafted various pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements and settlement orders
  • 财产及物业转移
  • Represented and advised clients in a dispute concerning adverse possession and an alleged licensing agreement (sole advocate)
  • Appeared (on my own, and being led) in various other conveyancing matters and vender and purchaser summons proceedings
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