Tao Soh Ngun v HSBC International Trustee Limited [2019] HKCFI 1268 (discretionary trust set up by the founders of the Great Eagle Group; proper exercise of the trustee’s powers)Yang Foo-Oi by Leung Ping Chiu Roy, her next friend v Wai Wai Chen, HCA 1739/2010 (distribution of assets by the founder of the Nan Fung Group; sham, fiduciary duties, family arrangement and undue influence)Liu Tieh Ching Brandon v Liu Ju Ching [2021] HKCFI 821 (repugnant condition in inter vivos gift)Herman Budihardjo & Ors v Hadi Gunawan & Ors [2018] HKCFI 1450 (alleged misappropriation of funds under family trust) 公司法
Re Yung Kee Holdings Ltd (2015) 18 HKCFAR 501 (jurisdiction to wind up foreign company)Sea Heritage Holdings Ltd v Nice Wave International Ltd [2023] HKCFI 3076 (inspection of company documents under s.740 of Companies Ordinance)Re Overseas Associates Ltd [2022] 2 HKLRD 790 (CA) (striking out part of the petition for winding-up relief)Bank of Taiwan, Hong Kong Branch v Zhaoheng Hydropower (Hong Kong) Ltd [2021] HKCFI 1434 (winding up order sought by one of the banks of a consortium)Re Orient Venture Investment Ltd [2020] HKCFI 576 (validation order)Re Hang Heung Cake Shop Company Limited, HCMP 812/2017 (appointment of receivers and managers)Re Kingstone International Wealth Management Ltd, CACV 56/2017 (leave for statutory derivative action; application of fiduciary no-conflict rule)Revelry Gains Limited v Joy Rich Development Limited [2017] 1 HKLRD 769 (proper procedure for creditor to intervene to defend proceedings for company in liquidation)Hao Xiaoying v Wong Yiu Lam William [2017] 6 HKC 151 (committal of directors; construction of s.152FA of the former Companies Ordinance)Crown Master International Trading Co., Ltd v China Solar Energy Holdings Limited [2015] 4 HKC 505 (injunction restraining shareholder from voting at the meeting of a listed company)Caspian Resources Development Pte Limited v Fortune Oil Plc & Ors [2015] 5 HKLRD 836 (effect of deregistration of a defendant foreign company in ongoing HK proceedings)Re Dejin Resources Group Company Limited, HCCW 76/2014 (winding up petition of a listed company)Myers Management Consulting Limited v Topmix (International) Company Limited, DCCJ 3051-3054/2014; CACV 194-197/2015 (common law right for minority shareholder to intervene to defend proceedings for the company) 商业纠纷
Beijing Tong Gang Da Sheng Trade Co Ltd & Anor v Allen & Overy (a firm) & Anor (2016) 19 HKCFAR 705 (limitation period and its interplay with RHC O.20 r.5)Re Yip Kim Po (Debtor) [2022] 3 HKLRD 356 (res judicata in bankruptcy proceedings; whether service of statutory demand constituted “action” for the purpose of the Limitation Ordinance)Lu Yongliang v Bank of China Ltd, Dongguan Branch [2021] HKCA 1048 (construction of section 5 of Foreign Judgements (Restriction on Recognition and Enforcement) Ordinance and section 22 of Mainland Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance); [2020] HKCA 1089 (application of *Ladd v Marshall *principles in case of fraud)Cheng Siu Fai v Swenson Global Opportunities Fund SPC [2021] HKCFI 1609 (disputes arising from the suspension of the IPO of Ant Group Co., Ltd)Malayan Banking Berhad, Singapore Branch v Legend Six Holdings Ltd [2020] HKCFI 990 (privilege against self-incrimination in pre-action discovery) Giorgio Armani SPA v Elan Clothes Co Ltd [2019] 2 HKLRD 313 (anti-suit injunction)Achieve Goal Holdings Ltd v Zhong Xin Ore-Material Holding Co Ltd [2018] HKCFI 2718; [2020] HKCA 51 (joint venture agreement; contractual interpretation and consequence of termination)Sun Tian Gang v Changchun High & New Technology Industries Development Parent Co [2022] HKCFI 3348; [2018] 5 HKLRD 485 (postponement of limitation period in case of deliberate concealment)Ho Ming Pui Andy v Midland Realty (Strategic) Limited [2017] 5 HKC 469 (validity of conclusive evidence clause)Cheng Hung Kit v Tsoi Chik Sang Lawrence [2017] 4 HKLRD 579 (striking-out; defence of estoppel and laches)Beijing Hantong Yuzhi Convention Centre Ltd v Lao Yuan Yi [2016] 2 HKC 1 (treatment of foreign judgments in civil proceedings)Ming Hsieh v Xu Zhe & Or, CACV 189/2015 (injunction under HCO s.21M)Lam Yee Hung v Chinachem Charitable Foundation Limited, HCA 764/2015 (further & better particulars)Anite Telecoms Limited v World Best Cargo-Link Company Limited, HCA 2560/2013 (release of implied undertaking; privilege against self-incrimination)Ubiquiti Networks International Limited v Cham Kim Chuen & Ors, HCA 1606/2016 (Henderson v Henderson estoppel) 财产及物业转移
Donora Co Ltd v Incorporated Owners of Tsuen Kam Centre (2024) 27 HKCFAR 166 (construction of DMC with respect to common parts)Dairy Farm Co Ltd v Secretary for Justice [2020] HKCFI 306 (right of way; whether government obliged to give owner of lot vehicular right of way)HSBC v Tai Yue For [2020] 1 HKLRD 718 (application of limitation statue on enforcement of charging order)Hammer Capital Private Investments Ltd v Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Ltd [2018] HKCFI 2603 (injunction restraining intended public auction of mortgaged properties)Re Garden Lot No.68, Shek O, Hong Kong [2017] 2 HKLRD 374 (squatter control policy; adverse possession of land in Shek O)Tierra Trading Ltd v Land Base Ltd, HCMP 374/2014 (adverse possession of land in Causeway Bay) Kwai Tak Ming v KS Capital One Limited & Ors, HCA 679/2012 (setting aside of sale & purchase agreement of property) Tsai Lee Ting v Best Leader Precious Metas Ltd [2023] HKCFI 2124 (alleged fraudulent Ponzi scheme)Xie Li Xin v Law Ka Yan Thompson [2022] HKCFI 1591 (fraudulent scheme deceiving the claimant to invest in money lender business)Dingway Investment Ltd v China City Construction & Development Co (Hong Kong) Ltd [2022] HKCFI 3422 (fraudulent scheme stripping away the company’s assets in the US) Market Misconduct Tribunal re CITIC Limited (disclosure of false or misleading information inducing transaction under SFO s. 277)Convoy Global Holdings Ltd v Kwok Hiu Kwan [2020] 4 HKLRD 222; [2021] HKCA 1594 (application to strike out private action for declaration that defendants had contravened s.131 of the SFO and injunctive relief)SFC v Chin Jong Hwa [2019] HKCFI 2375 (relief under Carecraft procedure)SFC v Sun Min [2017] 4 HKLRD 211 (relief under SFO s.213(2)(b)) 仲裁
Xiamen Xinjingdi Group Co Ltd v Eton Properties Ltd (2020) 23 HKCFAR 348 (jurisdiction of enforcement court in common law action on the award)A V B [2022] HKCFI 607 (whether enforcement proceedings should be adjourned pending final determination of application to Netherlands court to set aside award)Arbitration re international sales of goods Arbitration re licence and distribution arrangement by international retail brandsArbitration re hotel development dispute Pang Siu Wing v Chungshan Commercial Association, Hong Kong [2021] HKCFI 1250; [2024] HKCA 49 (libel trial and appeal)Synergis Holdings Limited & Ors v Jackson Xu Zhao Ze, HCA 1326/2014 (injunction restraining publication of defamatory statements) Lam Kit Sing v Chungshan Commercial Association, HCA 2011/2014 (alleged libel arising from expulsion of member from an association) 保险
Yip Kim Po v AIG Insurance Hong Kong Ltd [2021] 5 HKLRD 295 (construction of insurance policy on the meaning of the phrase “judgment, or other final adjudication”)Yip Wan Fung v AIG Insurance Hong Kong Ltd [2021] HKCFI 3610 (construction of insurance policy on the meaning of the phrase “judgment, or other final adjudication”)Arbitration between international insurance company and company listed in NYSE on directors and officers insurance (with claim over US$5m)Arbitration between international insurance company and company listed in NYSE on corporate liability insurance (with claim over US$20m)Arbitration between international insurance company and leading Mainland technology company on professional indemnity insurance (with claim over US$10m) Ng Lai Oi & Anor v Hui Tsz Chung trading as Amerasia Trade Co, HCA 966/2015 (injunction restraining use of trademarks)One Blue LLC v Huizhou Desay D&V Science and Technology Co., Ltd, HCA 78/2014 (alleged breach of patents licensing agreement) C v B [2019] 2 HKLRD 613 (best interests test; interplay between MHO Part II regime and EPOA regime)Wong Chi Ho Jimmy v Wong Oi Lun [2020] HKCFI 1073 (application for account by EPOA attorney; meaning of “interested party” under the EPOAO) Ng Yuk Tin v Fan On La [2023] HKCFI 658 (trial on validity of a handwritten will)Yip Wing Ching v Yip Shung Kin [2019] HKCFI 2018 (exercise of court’s discretion for interim maintenance under s.7 of the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Ordinance (Cap.481))Re Estate of Chow Kwok Leung, HCMP 797/2016 (application to remove administrator) Dymocks Franchise Systems (China) Ltd v Norton Rose Fulbright Hong Kong [2019] 3 HKLRD 742 (duty of solicitors to advise client on the Transfer of Businesses (Protection of Creditors) Ordinance (Cap.49))