Rimsky Yuen, GBM, SC, JP

Call: 1987 (HK)
Inner Bar: 2003

  • Advocate and Solicitor of Singapore: 1995
  • Panel Arbitrator of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
  • Panel Arbitrator of International Investment Arbitrators of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
  • Panel Arbitrator of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration
  • Accredited Mediator of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution
  • Accredited Mediator of the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited
  • Senior International Mediation Expert of the Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Mediation Centre


  • LLB (Hons) (University of Hong Kong)
  • PCLL (University of Hong Kong)
  • LLM in Chinese and Comparative Law (City University of Hong Kong)
  • Doctor of Laws honors causa (Hong Kong Shue Yan University)
  • Doctor of Laws honors causa (City University of Hong Kong)


电话:(+852) 2523 2003


姓名:Carrie Chan
电话:(+852) 2248 1890



  • 仲裁
  • 商业纠纷
  • 公司法
  • 破产清盘
  • 银行 / 金融
  • 调解
  • 证券法及监管
  • 保险
  • 保密 / 私隐
  • 衡平法 / 信托
  • 归还索偿 / 不当得益
  • 诽谤 / 传媒
  • 竞争法
  • 冲突法
  • 遗产 / 继承
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  • 禁制令 / 藐视法庭
  • 精神健康
  • 税务
  • 公法 / 司法复核
  • 电讯
  • 民事欺诈 / 资产追回
  • 财产及物业转移
  • 专业经验

    Prior to 1 July 2012, Rimsky Yuen SC’s practice was primarily commercial in nature with experience in various areas of commercial and related civil matters. The key areas of his practice included advisory and court works relating to contract disputes, shareholders and partners disputes, corporate and personal insolvency, banking, insurance and international trade. Apart from acting as advocate in court or arbitral proceedings, Rimsky Yuen SC also from time to time acted as arbitrator in international arbitration and as mediator in commercial and other civil disputes.

    During the period from 1 July 2012 to 5 January 2018, Rimsky Yuen SC occupied the position as Secretary for Justice of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”). In his capacity as Secretary for Justice, he acted as the chief legal adviser to the HKSAR Government overseeing five key areas of legal works: (1) civil disputes involving the HKSAR Government; (2) criminal prosecutions; (3) international law; (4) drafting of government legislation; and (5) legal policy matters (including the promotion of arbitration and mediation) as well as law reform. Major matters that he handled during this period included public law cases (such as judicial review applications involving constitutional, human rights and planning issues), commercial disputes involving the Government, regulatory matters relating to statutory bodies, international law matters (such as investment treaties, surrender of fugitives and assets recovery), as well as arbitration and mediation involving the Government.

    After resigning as Secretary for Justice on 5 January 2018, Rimsky Yuen SC resumed private practice in April 2018 at Temple Chambers as barrister, arbitrator and mediator specializing in commercial disputes. Since then, apart from being a practising barrister, he has been appointed as arbitrator in various international arbitrations (both Hong Kong and overseas) and as mediator in commercial disputes. In addition, he has acted as expert witness on HKSAR law and international commercial law in litigation and arbitration conducted in Mainland China, Singapore and the United States.


  • Committee Member of the International Commercial Expert Committee, the International Commercial Court of the Supreme People’s Court, the People’s Republic of China (since 26.8.2018)
  • Council Member of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (since 10.2018)
  • Council Member of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (since 16.11.2018)
  • Member of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee (established under the Exchange Fund Ordinance (Cap. 66)) (since 1.9.2018)
  • Adjunct Professor of the Law School of Beijing Normal University (since 15.3.2019)
  • Advisory Board Member of the International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute (since 23.8.2018)
  • Bencher of the Middle Temple (since 9.2015)
  • Justice of the Peace (since 2010)
  • Secretary for Justice of the HKSAR Government (1.7.2012 – 5.1.2018)
  • Recorder of the Court of First Instance, High Court of the HKSAR (2006 – 6.2012)
  • Member of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission (2009 – 1.2018)
  • Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association (2007 – 2009)
  • Chairman of the Transport Advisory Committee (2010 – 2012)
  • Non-official Member of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Advisory Committee on Corruption (2009 – 2012)
  • Non-executive Director of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (2010 – 2012)
  • Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Education (2010 – 2012)
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