HKIAC emergency arbitration concerning a dispute arising out of a joint venture agreement. Governing law: Hong Kong law (led by Benjamin Yu SC, Paul Shieh SC, with Eva Sit [now Eva Sit SC] and Jennifer Fan) HKIAC emergency arbitration in a contractual dispute involving claims of over EUR1.25 billion. Governing law: English law (led by Charlie Manzoni SC)HKIAC arbitration in a trade agency dispute involving claims of over RMB 19 million. Governing law: Hong Kong law Securities and Futures Commission v Chin Jong Hwa & Ors [2019] HKCFI 2735, appeared for a director in a petition under section 214 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571). The disputes were later disposed of using the Carecraft procedure (led by Laurence Li SC) Representing the Securities and Futures Commission in an application under section 213 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) (led by Victor Dawes SC)Re Christopher James Aarons (SFAT 1/2021) representing the Securities and Futures Commission in an ongoing dispute concerning the suspension of a licensed representative and responsible officer (led by Abraham Chan SC) 公法 / 司法复核
Professor Chan Yan Cheong v The Research Grants Council of the University Grants Committee [2020] HKCFI 459, appeared for the respondent in judicial review proceedings concerning debarment from application for research grants (led by Stewart Wong SC) Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Ltd v Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development & Communications Authority [2019] HKCFI 1667, appeared for the respondents in judicial review proceedings concerning allocation of radio spectrum (led by Abraham Chan SC and with Joshua Chan)Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Ltd v Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development & Communications Authority [2019] 1 HKLRD 833; [2019] HKCA 44, appeared for the respondents in an appeal concerning the scope of the respondents’ duty of candour in judicial review proceedings (led by Abraham Chan SC and with Joshua Chan)The Methodist Church v Town Planning Board (HCAL 55 & 64/2011), appeared for the respondent in judicial review proceedings concerning planning restrictions in Wanchai and Yau Ma Tei (led by Abraham Chan SC)H v Director of Immigration [2020] 4 HKC 454, appeared for the respondent in an appeal to the Court of Final Appeal concerning the requirement for leave to appeal against a refusal of an out-of-time application for leave to commence judicial review proceedings (led by Abraham Chan SC and Jonathan Chang SC)AH v Director of Immigration (2020) 23 HKCFAR 437, appeared for the respondent in an application for leave to appeal to the Court of Final Appeal concerning the denial of visas under the Dependent Visa Policy (led by Jonathan Chang SC) Cheng Yuen Chun & Ors v Li Yim Fong [2019] HKDC 295, acted for the defendant in resisting leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal in an action concerning unjust enrichment Ng Hong Pong v Li Shiu To & Ors [2018] HKCFI 2708, appeared on behalf of the mortgagee in an adverse possession claim (led by Victor Dawes SC)Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Limited v Gain Premium Holdings Limited, HCA 2092/2017, appeared on behalf of the vendor in an application for vacation of registration of lis pendens against a property in the Land Registry’s records (led by Eva Sit SC) Wing Ming Garment Factory Ltd v The Incorporated Owners of Wing Ming Industrial Centre [2019] HKCFI 421, appeared for the plaintiff in an application to extend the time for compliance with injunctions to remove and/or reinstate certain building structures (led by Bernard Man SC and with Justin Lam)The Incorporated Owners of Fortune Building v Wong Se Pun and Tse Yuen Man & Anor (LDBM 253/2017), appeared for the defendant in a dispute between the incorporated owners and co-owners concerning building works at the common parts of a multi-storey building Woo Kwok Ping v The Incorporated Management Committee of Tsuen Wan Trade Association Primary School [2020] 1 HKLRD 717, appeared for the defendant in an ongoing employment dispute involving the issue of jurisdiction of the Labour Tribunal (led by Laurence Li SC) Re Chen Mei Huan also known as Liu Chen Mei Huan also known as Liu Mei Huan Chen [2019] HKCFI 3028, appeared for the petitioner in bankruptcy petition proceedings (led by Eva Sit SC)