Jonathan Fung
Call: 2022 (HK)


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (Distinction), University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Civil Law (Distinction), University of Oxford
  • Bachelor of Arts (Law Tripos, Triple First Class Honours), University of Cambridge


电话:(+852) 2523 2003


姓名:Aki Lee
电话:(+852) 2248 1841



English, Cantonese and Putonghua


  • 仲裁
  • 银行 / 金融
  • 民事欺诈 / 资产追回
  • 商业纠纷
  • 公司法
  • 冲突法
  • 衡平法 / 信托
  • 禁制令 / 藐视法庭
  • 破产清盘
  • 遗产 / 继承
  • 专业责任
  • 财产及物业转移
  • 归还索偿 / 不当得益
  • 证券法及监管
  • 奖学金 / 奖项

  • Bar Scholarship
  • Magdalen Hong Kong Scholarship
  • Temple Chambers (Oxford) Scholarship
  • Des Voeux Chambers Junior Scholarship
  • Steers Prize, Selwyn College
  • Rebecca Flower Squire Scholarship, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
  • Selwyn College Scholarship
  • Thomson Reuters Law Prize (for ranking first in Law Tripos Part IA)
  • George Long Prize for Civil Law I
  • Glanville Williams Prize for Criminal Law
  • Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme
  • 专业经验

    Jonathan joined Chambers in 2022 after completing pupillage with Mr Laurence Li SC, Mr Tony Li (now Mr Tony Li SC), Ms Bonnie YK Cheng and Mr Justin Ho. He is developing a broad civil practice and accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work.

    Jonathan graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2018 with first class honours in each of Part IA, IB and II of the Law Tripos. Jonathan then read for the BCL at the University of Oxford, receiving distinctions in all subjects.

    Prior to commencing pupillage, Jonathan served as marshal to the Hon Mr Justice Barma JA, the Hon Mr Justice Au JA, and the Hon Madam Justice Linda Chan.

    Jonathan was awarded the Bar Scholarship in 2021.


  • Real Estate and Finance Fund (in liq) and anor v Sun Cheuk Pak Alan and ors [2023] HKCFI 1580: 18 day trial of a fraudulent conspiracy involving the misappropriation of assets belonging to two Cayman funds (led by Victor Dawes SC, with Lau Ka Kin)
  • Gold Dragon Worldwide Asset Management Ltd v Hao Liang and anor (HCA 1935/2021): claim for breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duties regarding operation of Cayman Islands fund (led by Paul Shieh SC, with Jasmine Cheung)
  • Chosen Investments Ltd v Pioneer East Investment Development Ltd and ors (HCA1353/2023): avoidance of sale and purchase agreement for want of authority and fraudulent misrepresentation (led by Bernard Man SC)
  • King Mountain Investments Ltd and anor v Tang Yuk Ling Dobe and anor [2024] HKCFI 606: claim for fraud and restitution for agreement for sale of ding rights (led by Bernard Man SC)
  • Orient Finance Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd v China Vered Asset Management (Hong Kong) Ltd HCA682/2022: claim for redemption of shares in investment fund
  • Qinhe Energy Holdings Ltd v Peng Fei Investment International Ltd [2023] HKCFI 1872: breach of sale and purchase agreement, application for summary judgment and interim payment (led by Victor Dawes SC)
  • Zhao Zhi Qiang v Zhao Zhiguang HCA1614/2019: ongoing dispute as to beneficial ownership of a property holding company (led by Victor Dawes SC, with Alan Yung)
  • 公司法
  • Re Carnival Group International Holdings Ltd [2022] HKCFI 2668: winding up petition in respect of Mainland property development group listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange; consideration of the second core requirement where subsidiaries located in the BVI and the Mainland (led by Laurence Li SC)
  • Re MSB International Ltd [2022] HKCFI 3751, [2023] 1 HKLRD 386: application for stay of proceedings on the basis of a settlement agreement (led by Victor Dawes SC, with Lau Ka Kin)
  • Re Mega Gold Ltd, Re Man Chun Sing Matthew HCCW273/2023, HCB3468/2023: winding up and bankruptcy petitions involving disputes subject to arbitration clause (with Justin Ho)
  • 证券法及监管
  • Re Freeman FinTech Corporation Ltd (HCMP 2653/2016): acted on behalf of the SFC in the 25-day trial of a s. 214 SFO petition against directors of listed company for breach of duty, proceedings settled at trial (led by Ambrose Ho SC and Norman Nip SC, with Bonnie Cheng and Jeff Chan)
  • Choi Chi Kin Calvin v Securities and Futures Commission (SFAT 4/2022): acted on behalf of the SFC in application for review of disciplinary decision regarding allegations of conflicts of interest and breach of the SFC Code of Conduct (led by Laurence Li SC, with John Leung)
  • Re Mayer Holdings Ltd: Market Misconduct Tribunal proceedings regarding allegations of non-disclosure of inside information under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) (led by Laurence Li SC, with Tony Chow)
  • 禁制令 / 藐视法庭
  • Barco Investments v Wong Yan Ho & ors [2023] HKCFI 1648: investment fraud, Mareva / proprietary injunctions (led by Benjamin Yu SC, with Danny Tang and Keith Chan)
  • Barco Investments v Wong Yan Ho HCMP 24/2023: application to commit defendant for criminal and civil contempt (as sole advocate)
  • Koo Ming Kown v Young Kwok Hung Clement and ors (HCA 1619/2014): 15-day trial in respect of claims in passing off and unlawful means conspiracy, proceedings settled at trial (led by Sara Tong SC, with Eugene Kwan)
  • 遗产 / 继承
  • Re Estate of Lim Por Yen (HCAP 4/2011): 25-day probate trial raising issues of testamentary capacity, knowledge and approval and undue influence (led by Bernard Man SC, with Keith Lam)
  • 家事 / 婚姻
  • HYF v CSL FCMC14931/2014: 7 day trial of ancillary relief petition (with Bonnie Cheng)
  • 仲裁
  • UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2013: claims for just and equitable winding up of joint venture publishing company and breach of quasi-partnership, 7 day substantive hearing (led by Rimsky Yuen SC, with Alexsander Wong and Justin Ho)
  • UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2018: aborted purchase of commercial / residential complex in Shanghai worth over RMB 6 billion (led by Victor Dawes SC, with Lau Ka Kin)
  • UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2018: ongoing dispute over a purported exercise of put option in share subscription agreement involving claims in excess of RMB 2 billion (led by Paul Shieh SC, with Elizabeth Cheung)
  • 其他
  • Competition Commission v ATAL Building Services Engineering Ltd and ors [2024] HKCT 1: appeared on behalf of the Competition Commission in application for leave to appeal regarding the proper approach to be adopted where only some but not all respondents have agreed to a Kam Kwong procedure (led by Norman Nip SC, with Leticia Tang)
    • Re Timothy Wynn Owen KC: appeared on behalf of the Bar Council of the Hong Kong Bar Association in ad hoc admission proceedings
      • [2022] HKCFA 23, (2022) 25 HKCFAR 288: application by the Secretary for Justice for leave to appeal to the CFA (led by Jat Sew Tong SC)
      • [2022] HKCA 1751: application by the Secretary for Justice for leave to appeal to the CFA (led by Bernard Man SC)
      • [2022] HKCA 1689, [2022] 5 HKLRD 726: appeal by the Secretary for Justice to the Court of Appeal (led by Bernard Man SC)
      • [2022] HKCFI 3233 (led by Bernard Man SC)


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