Queenie Lau SC
Queenie Lau SC
Queenie Lau SC
"Queenie Lau is an outstanding junior counsel. She is probably the best in her rank. She is always hard-working and responsive. She is versatile and has solid knowledge in various areas of law." -Chambers & Partners 2023
Arbitrator CV

Call: 2008 (HK)
Inner Bar: 2024
Solicitor: 2007 to 2008 (HK); 2008 to present (England and Wales – non-practising)
Accredited as a mediator by CEDR in 2009
Accredited as a general mediator by HKIAC in 2009
Accredited as a mediator by HKMAAL in 2013
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators since 2017
Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators since 2016
Member of the HKIAC List of Arbitrators since 2018


  • MA, University of Cambridge
  • BA (Hons) in Law, University of Cambridge


Tel:(+852) 2523 2003


Name:Yvonne Yim
Tel:(+852) 2248 1881



Fluent in Cantonese, Putonghua and English

Appointments And Public Office

  • Temporary Deputy Registrar, High Court (Oct. 2018; Sept. 2019; May 2021; July 2023)
  • Deputy District Judge, District Court (Oct. 2023)
  • Temporary Deputy Registrar, District Court – Mediation Master in Case Settlement Conference pilot scheme (October 2021)
  • Hong Kong Bar Association
  • Member, Bar Council (Jan. 2011 to Jan. 2014)
  • Chairman, Young Barristers Committee (2011)
  • Member, Special Committee on Companies Law (2011 to 2012)
  • Member, Special Committee on Code of Conduct (2010 to 2019)
  • Member, Special Committee on Practice Promotion (2008 to 2015)
  • Member, Special Committee on Civic Education (2009 to 2010)
  • Member, Standing Committee on Mainland Affairs (2022 to present)
  • University of Hong Kong
  • PCLL Course: Assessor for the Commercial Dispute Resolution Advocacy Assessment (various); Part-Time Lecturer for mediation exercise (various)
  • Other
  • Part-time Member, Central Policy Unit, Government of the HKSAR (2012)
  • Member, The Medical Council of Hong Kong (2024 to present)
  • Non-executive Director, Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (2022 to present)
  • Deputy Chairman, Administrative Appeals Board (2022 to present)
  • Deputy Chairman, Private Columbaria Appeal Board (2023 to present)
  • Chairman, Toys and Children’s Products Safety Appeal Board Panel (2024 to present)
  • Member, Insurance Authority Disciplinary Panel Pool (2023 to present)
  • Member of the Management Committee, Consumer Legal Action Fund (2015 to 2021)
  • Member of the Consumer Protection Law & Policy Committee (2022 to present) and Preliminary Working Group on Class Actions (2018 to 2022), Consumer Council
  • Member, Disciplinary Panel A of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (2013 to 2019)
  • Member, Licensing Appeals Board (2012 to 2017)
  • Member, Transport Tribunals’ Panel (2012 to 2018)
  • Member, HKSAR Passport Appeals Board (2012 to 2018)
  • Steering Committee on Mediation: Member, Regulatory Framework & Accreditation Sub-committee (2021); Member, Regulatory Sub-committee (2012 to 2017, 2019); Member, Accreditation Sub-committee, Steering Committee on Mediation (2017 to 2019)
  • Member, Eastern District Fight Crime Committee (2012 to 2018)
  • Member of Board of Governors, The Prince Philip Dental Hospital (2017 to 2023)
  • Member, Pharmacists Sub-group, Steering Committee on Strategic Review on Healthcare Manpower Planning and Professional Development (2012 to 2017)
  • Member, Advisory Panel on Vetting of Amusement Games / Machines (2012 to 2018)
  • Member, 11th and 12th Committees of the All-China Youth Federation (中華全國青年聯合會第十一及十二屆委員會委員) (2010 to 2020)
  • Publications And Articles

  • Hong Kong SAR chapter of the World Arbitration Reporter, 2nd ed (with Chiann Bao)
  • Hong Kong: First Instance Court Clarifies Limitations to Iura Novit Arbiter, ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2022 No. 2 (with Chiann Bao)
  • Kluwer Practical Insights - Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement, Chiann Bao, Queenie Lau and Natalie So
  • Contributing author, Securities & Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571): Commentary and Annotations, Sweet & Maxwell, 2018, 2019
  • Contributing author, Hong Kong Competition Law, 2017
  • Scholarship And Prizes

  • Middle Temple Society Scholarship
  • Represented Hong Kong in the LAWASIA Moot on Intellectual Property– Champion team, Best Mooter
  • Lizette Bentwich Prize (for academic performance), awarded by Trinity College, University of Cambridge
  • Jardine Scholarship (full scholarship for undergraduate studies at University of Cambridge)
  • Profile

    Who’s Who Legal (Mainland China & Hong Kong SAR – Arbitration) has recognised Queenie Lau as a Thought Leader, and WWL has also reported that Queenie “gains impressive endorsements for her arbitration practice, with peers highlighting her ‘strong legal skills and wide range of experience’”. Queenie has also been recommended by Chambers and Partners as a leading Hong Kong junior for commercial disputes, by Legal 500 as a leading junior for commercial disputes and also employment cases, and by Doyle’s in the area of employment.

    Queenie has a broad, predominantly civil, practice which includes commercial law, securities and regulatory matters, banking, company law, land law, conveyancing, building management, professional negligence, employment law, family law, defamation, probate and commercial fraud.

    In terms of arbitration, Queenie became a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in 2009, and then a Fellow in 2017. She also became a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators in 2016. In 2018, Queenie became a member of the HKIAC’s List of Arbitrators.

    Queenie has acted as Counsel both in arbitrations and arbitration-related court applications, and has experience conducting arbitrations in Putonghua. Further, she has been appointed as arbitrator by both the HKIAC and the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

    Queenie was among the first batch of Hong Kong lawyers to qualify for legal practice in the Greater Bay Area.


  • Currently acting as arbitrator in a number of arbitrations, both in English and Chinese.
  • Acted as a member of a tribunal with respect to a dispute concerning a Share Transfer Agreement and a Guarantee (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)
  • Acted in an arbitration regarding a breach of contract claim involving patent issues, with the claim being for over RMB 2.8 billion in damages (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules) (led by Mr Charlie Manzoni QC SC)
  • Represented a share custodian in a dispute concerning: (1) a share custodian’s obligations with respect to shares deposited by a borrower as security for a loan; (2) disputes over the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap. 163) (with Ms Natalie So)
  • Represented the vendor in a dispute concerning the sale and purchase of shares in a Hong Kong company and the land use rights held by that company in the PRC; the governing law was Hong Kong law but PRC law applied to various issues concerning the land use rights in the PRC (Putonghua-only HKIAC arbitration) (with Mr Xizhen Wang)
  • Represented an Australian-incorporated company in a dispute concerning whether it had to pay over HK$20 million in service fees to a company incorporated in England and Wales (Putonghua-only HKIAC arbitration) (with Mr Jonathan Ng)
  • Represented a leading beverage brand in a dispute with its distributor in Macau in an ICC arbitration (with Ms Karen Tsang)
  • Represented a European investment company in HKIAC proceedings arising from the breakdown of a joint venture in the PRC
  • Represented a private equity fund in an arbitration arising from an investment dispute (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)
  • Resisted a jurisdictional challenge in an HKIAC arbitration concerning the validity of a Letter of Intent concerning land in the PRC
  • Resisted jurisdictional challenges in three ICC arbitrations arising from disputes over sale of timber contracts
  • Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & Engineers (HK) Limited v. China International Fund Limited, HCCT 9/2014, 6 August 2014 (resisted an application for stay of execution re: enforcement of arbitral award), 24 September 2014 (resisted an application for leave to appeal re: setting aside of arbitral award)
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