Charles Manzoni KC, SC
Charles Manzoni KC, SC
Charles Manzoni KC, SC

Call: 1988 (England & Wales); 2000 (HK)
Inner Bar: 2009 (England & Wales); 2012 (HK)
Arbitration and mediation lists:


Tel:(+852) 2523 2003


Name:Olivia Tse
Tel:(+852) 2248 1806


Practice Areas

  • Securities & Regulation
  • Insolvency
  • Arbitration
  • Company

    • Chambers & Partners Client’s Guide to the UK Legal Profession 2005
      “An excellent all rounder with an internationally focused practice”.
    • Chambers “The World’s Leading Lawyers 2006”
      “Highly recommended. Exceptionally difficult to catch out”.
    • Chambers & Partners Global 2010
      “Eminent, fluent and combative”
    • Chambers and Partners Asia 2012
      “a flexible and cool commercial counsel who always focuses on the bigger picture without getting tied up on the minutiae.” He has particular expertise in engineering and technology-related disputes.


    As a qualified Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Charles worked in the international development department of a multi-national blue chip industrial company for five years before qualifying as a lawyer and entering private practice. Charles’s work involves mainly international litigation, arbitration and mediation across a broad spectrum of commercial work. He acts as counsel in the High Courts of London and Hong Kong, in international and domestic arbitrations, acts as a mediator and conciliator in cross border disputes and regularly sits as a sole arbitrator or as part of a three man tribunal. He has an expanding Sports law practice, and sits as an arbitrator with the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

    He was appointed QC in London in 2009 and SC in Hong Kong in 2012.


  • In Re Fuji Foods
    Cross border restructuring involving a Scheme of Arrangement in Hong Kong, and equivalent proceedings in England and the Cayman Islands.
  • Legend International Ltd
    Cross border insolvency involving Malaysia, Hong Kong, the Philippines and the UK.
  • Akai v Grande
    Recovery claim for approx US$ 1 billion arising out of a hostile take over bid said to have been fraudulently conducted.
  • CSA v Bank of Bermuda
    Recovery following the US$200 million collapse of a Cayman Island hedge fund.
  • SFC v Hontex
    Alleged $1Billion Securities Fraud during a Public Offering Claims made by the Securities Commission. Acting for the Company.
  • Creditor Co v Finamur and Natexis
    Dispute between creditors and a Mainland China Provincial Government over a US$4.6 Billion Debt Restructuring Agreement entered into by the insolvent government.
  • ATV v Panfair
    Shareholder Dispute over ownership, and dilution of shareholdings in Hong Kong’s major free to air TV Station.
  • Pacific Wire and Cable v PCHL & others
    Fraud & breach of fiduciary claim to recovery HK$2 billion assets alleged stripped from Taiwanese Company. Acting for the asset owners.
  • Technology, Media and Telecommunications
  • ITV Digital v Two Way TV
    Compatibility of existing technical infrastructure with the provision of digital television in the UK.
  • Landmark TV v Ntl
    Provision of content for digital TV.
  • Channel V v Broadcast Network Thailand
    Dispute over the anti competition provisions (governed by European Law) in a shareholders Agreement governed by English law, relating to television content in Thailand.
  • Office of Telecommunications Authority v Hutchison Telecom
    Various cases about regulatory issues concerning the telecommunication industry.
  • Building / Construction
  • KBC v Pertamina
    $500 million Swiss arbitration between the Indonesian Nationalised Oil Company and the concession owner over a 40 year oil concession terminated and expropriated by the Indonesian Government during the Asian Financial Crisis.
  • Hong Kong & China Gas Company Ltd
    Environmental issues arising from the laying of an LPG pipe line under the South China Sea.
  • Rolls Royce v Alsthom
    A dispute concerning the safety of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in central England.
  • Taisei Corp v Torishima Pump Mgf Co Ltd
    Dispute about the provision of water pumping facilities in Abu Dhabi. Arbitrated in London.
  • Professional Liability
  • Desmond Leung v Charles Yeung
    Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal case concerning the existence and scope of the duties of care owed by a solicitor.
  • Kensland Realty v Tai Tang & Chong
    Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal case concerning solicitors negligence.
  • CSA v Ernst & Young
    US$200 million auditors negligence in respect of the collapse of a Cayman Island hedge fund.
  • Akai v Ernst & Young
    Auditors Negligence claim arising out of the collapse of Akai. Taken to trial in 2009.
  • Insurance+
  • China Engineering v Ming An Insurance
    Arbitration concerning coverage in respect of a collapsed sea defence system.
  • International Reinsurance Services Ltd v Taian
    Re-insurance dispute concerning the liability of a London reinsurer in respect of retrocession business emanating from Taiwan.
  • Neil Pryde v Federal Insurance Co.
    Arbitrator on Policy Dispute concerning Employees compensation policy.
  • Financial Concepts Ltd v Sun Life
    Arbitrator on four separate arbitrations concerning the selling of Insurance products.
  • In Re Emirates Pilots Group Policy
    Advising on liability in a policy dispute under the Emirates Pilots Group Policy.
  • New World Developments v ACE Insurance
    Coverage Dispute concerning Business Interruption arising from SARS. Taken to the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.
  • Arbitration+
  • Over 50 Arbitration Appointments in the last few years including in India, Hong Kong, China, Macau, Dubai, Qatar, Singapore, Africa and Russia. For example:
  • DIAC Case, Dubai
    Appointed as Chairman of three men tribunal. AED 55 million claim based on wrongful termination of construction project in Dubai. Dubai Seat, Dubai Law.
  • ICC Case, Singapore
    Failed public tender process in which one party claims 50% profit of a project as a result of an allegedly inadequate public tender process. Appointed as Sole Arbitrator. Singapore Seat, Singapore law.
  • Ad Hoc.
    US$24 Million claim for wrongful termination of a commodity supply contract in the Energy Industry. Appointed as member of 3 man tribunal. Hong Kong Seat, Hong Kong law.
  • LCIA
    Panel Member in a 3 man tribunal on a mobile telecoms dispute in Russia. US$5 million. London Seat, Russian Law.
  • LCIA
    Panel Member on pan Trans-Siberian/European Gas pipeline dispute, US$200 million. London Seat, Estonia Law.
  • Ad Hoc
    Panel Member US$150 million construction dispute in Abu Dhabi. Seat London, Abu Dhabi law.
  • DIAC
    Panel Member US$175 million Construction Dispute in Dubai. Dubai Seat, Dubai Law.
  • 2 Parties
    Arbitrator over a US$40 million dispute concerning the supply of official sponsored branded goods for the FIFA World Cup.
  • 2 Parties
    Arbitrator in a Sponsorship dispute concerning Formula 1 racing cars, between sponsors and organisers.
  • 2 Parties
    Arbitrator in a sponsorship dispute between an individual driver and a sponsor in formula1.
  • 2 Parties
    Advocate for a Professional golf tour in a dispute over tournaments and prizes with an alternative professional tour.
  • 2 Parties
    Advocate for a Gold club over the design and provision of a golf course.
  • 2 Parties
    Advocate for an insurer arising out of a sportsman’s death occurring during a sporting world record attempt.
  • 34th America’s Cup
    Chairman of the International Sailing Federation Disciplinary Panel investigation of 4 sailors for alleged cheating during the regatta.
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