Cedric Yeung
Cedric Yeung
Cedric Yeung
Call: 2022 (HK)


  • LLB, University of Hong Kong (First Class Honours, Top of the Class in all years)
  • BCL, University of Oxford (Distinction, First Class in all subjects)


Tel:(+852) 2523 2003


Name:Yvonne Yim
Tel:(+852) 2248 1881



English, Cantonese, Putonghua

Practice Areas

  • Commercial
  • Company
  • Insolvency
  • Arbitration
  • Injunction / Contempt
  • Civil Fraud / Asset Recovery
  • Securities & Regulation
  • Professional Liability
  • Banking / Finance
  • Restitution / Unjust Enrichment
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Equity / Trust
  • Property & Conveyancing
  • Probate / Succession
  • Public Law / Judicial Review
  • Appointments And Public Office

  • 2022 Lecturer (Non-Clinical), Department of Law, University of Hong Kong
  • Publications And Articles

  • C. Yeung, “How the Pandemic is Changing the Landscape of International Dispute Resolution” (forthcoming book chapter)
  • Scholarship And Prizes

  • LLB subject prizes (Law and Society, Contract Law, Tort Law, Land Law, Constitutional Law, Law of Evidence, Guided Research, Law of Conveyancing, Law of Business Associations, and Commercial Law)
  • HSBC Overseas Scholarship
  • Betty Ho Essay Prize in Contract Law
  • Powell Gilbert Runner-up Prize for Best Written Submissions for the Oxford International Intellectual Property Moot
  • Simon KY Lee Medal in Law (for top LLB degree)
  • Gallant Ho Prize in Law (for top LLB degree)
  • Gallant Ho Gold Prize in Law (for ranking first in all years of LLB)
  • Hou De Charitable Foundation Scholarship
  • Hong Kong Jockey Club Graduate Scholarship
  • Temple Chambers (Oxford) Scholarship
  • BCL subject prizes (Principles of Civil Procedure, and Children, Families and the State)
  • Bar Scholarship
  • Profile

    Cedric joined Chambers after completing his pupillage with Ms Eva Sit SC, Mr Tony Li (now Mr Tony Li SC), Mr Keith Lam, and Mr Julian Lam. He is developing a broad civil practice and accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work. He has appeared at all levels of Court in Hong Kong, including as sole advocate in a 4-day trial.

    Prior to joining Chambers, Cedric obtained his LLB degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2018, ranking first in his cohort for every academic year. In 2020, Cedric obtained his BCL degree from the University of Oxford with an overall Distinction and Distinctions in all his subjects. During his legal studies, Cedric received more than 50 scholarships and academic prizes, including 10 subject prizes in the LLB and 2 in the BCL.


  • HKIAC Rules – successfully acted for a bitcoin mining operator to recover in excess of US$25 million in a dispute involving bitcoin mining hardware (led by Jonathan Chang SC)
  • HKIAC Rules – successfully acted for a PRC company to recover a loan in excess of HK$40 million (with Queenie Lau)
  • HKIAC Rules – acted for an insurance company against a bank in a contractual dispute (led by Benjamin Yu SC, and with Peter Dong)
  • HKIAC Rules – acting for a Singapore consultancy firm to recover in excess of US$15 million in a contractual dispute against a listed South Korean pharmaceutical company (led by Jern-Fei Ng KC) (ongoing)
  • HKIAC Rules – acted a PRC company in a dispute concerning the completion account of a share sale (led by Victor Dawes SC) (settled before evidentiary hearing)
  • HKIAC Rules – acted for a Singapore electric vehicle company in a joint venture dispute (led by Jern-Fei Ng KC) (settled before action)
  • Commercial+
  • Totalcorp (Nominees) Ltd v Hong Kong Sai Kung Ngong Wo Resort Development Ltd (2022) 25 HKCFAR 376 – Successfully acted for the lender in a final appeal concerning issues of illegality (led by Victor Dawes SC, with Joshua Chan)
  • ICBC International Wealth Investment Ltd v Rollcash Investments Ltd [2023] HKCFI 2585 – Successfully acted for the bank to recover in excess of HK$28 million under an indemnity deed in a 7-day trial (led by Bernard Man SC, with Derek J Y Chan)
  • Town Ally Enterprise Limited v Mega Investment Incorporated & Anor HCA 161/2021 – Successfully acted for lenders to recover an unpaid loan by way of summary judgment
  • Incu Global Ltd & Anor v D’Aguilar Capital Management Limited & Anor [2022] HKCFI 3214 – Acted in a summary judgment application (led by Sara Tong SC)
  • Advised the Consumer Legal Action Fund on the merits of an intention action on mis-selling of foreign properties (led by Sara Tong SC)
  • Insolvency
  • LKF v ZISL [2024] HKCFI 424 – Successfully acted for creditor to resist an application to set aside a statutory demand
  • Re North Mining Shares Company Limited (in liquidation) [2023] HKCFI 2439 – Successfully acted for the liquidators to obtain sanction of a creditors’ scheme (with Justin Ho)
  • Re Fantasia Investment Holdings Co Ltd HCCW 448/2021 – Instructed to act for the Ad Hoc Group of Creditors (led by Eva Sit SC)
  • Advised trustees in bankruptcy on various courses of action to recover the bankruptcy estate (led by Sara Tong SC)
  • Company
  • Re Bright Top Industrial Limited [2023] HKCFI 1849 – Successfully acted for the Petitioners in an application to limit the company’s participation in an unfair prejudice petition (with Justin Ho)
  • Advised on the merits of claims for breach of directors’ duties (led by Sara Tong SC)
  • Injunction / Contempt
  • Sun Min & Ors v Chu Kong (2022) 25 HKCFAR 318 – Successfully acted for the Secretary for Justice in a final appeal concerning the standing to move for criminal contempt (led by Victor Dawes SC, with William Liu)
  • Kuga v Saronic Holdings Ltd [2023] HKCFI 1027; [2023] HKCFI 1966 – Successfully acted for the applicant in an application to enforce cross-undertaking as to damages (led by Eva Sit SC)
  • Success Lane Development Ltd v Ferguson Hong Kong Ltd t/a New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel [2024] HKCA 839; [2024] HKDC 1018; [2024] HKDC 342; [2024] HKDC 336; [2024] HKDC 44; [2023] HKDC 1325; [2024] HKDC 68 – successfully acted for the hotel for discharging interlocutory injunctions (as sole advocate)
  • Securities & Regulation
  • Choi Chi Kin Calvin v the Securities and Futures Commission SFAT 4 of 2022 (29 September 2023)– Acted for the applicant in an SFAT review (led by Paul Shieh SC and José-Antonio Maurellet SC, and with James Man and Keith Chan)
  • Advised a firm on compliance with the Securities and Futures (Financial Resources) Rules (Cap 571N) (with Queenie Lau)
  • Others+
  • Ng Yuk Tin v Fan On Na [2023] HKCFI 658 – Appeared for the objector of a will in an 8-day trial (with James Man)
  • China Citic Bank International Limited v Li Yan Hung & Ors [2024] HKCFI 1410; [2023] HKCFI 2978 – Successfully acted for a solicitors’ firm to oppose an application for leave to issue third party notice (led by Sara Tong SC)
  • Advised on the merits of a mis-selling claims (with Mr. Keith Chan)
  • Advised an intended applicant on the merits of a judicial review over a refusal to pay from the Government’s COVID-19 Vaccination Fund (led by Victor Dawes SC)
  • Advised an insurance company on the validity of an extended writ issued against former directors of a company in liquidation (with Val Chow)
  • Advised a solicitors’ firm on recovery of unpaid fees from an insolvent insurance company (led by Victor Dawes SC)
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