John C K Chan

2018 年認許為英國大律師
2021 年認許為香港執業大律師


  • 牛津大學民法學碩士
  • 牛津大學法律文學士(一級榮譽)
  • 香港李寶椿聯合國際書院
  • 香港聖保羅男女中學


電話:(+852) 2523 2003



  • 商業糾紛
  • 公司法
  • 衡平法 / 信託
  • 衝突法
  • 禁制令 / 藐視法庭
  • 仲裁
  • 公法 / 司法覆核
  • 歸還索償 / 不當得益
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  • 家事 / 婚姻
  • 銀行 / 金融
  • 僱傭
  • 破產清盤
  • 紀律制裁
  • 稅務
  • 精神健康
  • 誹謗 / 傳媒
  • 知識產權
  • 遺產 / 繼承
  • 專業責任
  • 民事欺詐 / 資產追回
  • 證券法及監管
  • 委任及公職

  • 香港大律師公會內地事務委員會委員
  • 香港大律師公會有關《內地民商事判决(互相强制執行)條例草案》諮詢專案小組成員
  • 香港大律師公會執業大律師持續進修常委會委員
  • 香港大律師資格考試常委會委員
  • 廣州涉外法治全球高端智庫專家
  • 出版刊物

  • 《中國香港仲裁界近期動向》Asia Business Law Journal(2022年7月13日)
  • 獎學金 / 獎項

  • 澳門基金會獎學金
  • 牛津大學聖彼得學院成績優異獎
  • Willem C. Vis 國際商業仲裁模擬法庭比賽慕尼黑預賽冠軍
  • 英國人權律師協會司法覆核模擬法庭比賽冠軍
  • 倫敦法律大學法學專業證書獎學金
  • 牛津大學COSF 布雷齊諾斯學院獎學金
  • 大律師獎學金(授予該屆香港五位最佳實習大律師)
  • 專業經驗



  • China Stem Cells Holdings Ltd v. Zheng Ting And Others (and 3 other actions) [2024] HKCFI 481 – trial concerning claims by provisional liquidators appointed by Cayman Islands court against former directors for breach of fiduciary duties and to invalidate transaction documents for want of authority (led by Eva Sit SC, with Jonathan Ng)
  • Sunni International Limited v. Kao Wai Ho Francis & Ors [2023] HKCFI 2882 – strike out application regarding claims of fraudulent breach of fiduciary duties and unlawful means conspiracy (led by Rimsky Yuen SC)
  • Ma Kam Chuen Johnny v. Hong Kong Dental Association Limited HCMP 1057/2023 – unfair prejudice petition concerning the alleged abrogation of class rights (led by Mike Lui SC)
  • 破產清盤
    • Lo Tak Wing Benson (羅德榮) v. Ngan Ng Yu Ying – appeal against a bankruptcy order
      • [2022] HKCA 1125 – application for security for costs and application to strike out the notice of appeal (as sole counsel)
      • [2023] HKCA 192 – substantive hearing of appeal before the Court of Appeal (as sole counsel)
  • Re MSB International Limited HCCW 386/2021 – application for a validation order for the acquisition of property by the company (with Bonnie Y K Cheng)
  • 仲裁+
  • AAA And Others v. DDD [2024] HKCFI 481 – appeal against an arbitral tribunal’s preliminary award on its jurisdiction regarding the scope of the reference to arbitration and the scope of the arbitration agreement (as sole counsel)
    • 李明實、方壘 & 史洪源, Dr. Changli Wang & Plus View Investment Limited v. Ace Lead Limited & Shao Baiqing – application for a stay of proceedings in favour of arbitration and on case management and forum non conveniens grounds
      • [2022] HKCFI 3342 – substantive hearing of the application for a stay of proceedings (led by Victor Dawes SC)
      • [2023] HKCFI 193 – application for leave to appeal the Judge’s decision to dismiss the defendants’ application for a stay of proceedings (led by Victor Dawes SC)
  • Arbitration under HKIAC Administered Rules regarding a cross-border dispute arising from a shares repurchase agreement, representing a major US-based hedge fund (governing law: Hong Kong law) (as sole advocate)
  • Arbitration under HKIAC Administered Rules regarding a shares sale and purchase agreement and a repurchase agreement, representing a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (GEM) (governing law: Hong Kong law) (with Alex C.H. Yeung)
  • Arbitration under HKIAC Administered Rules regarding a shares repurchase agreement, representing the controlling shareholder of a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Main Board (governing law: Hong Kong law) (as sole advocate)
  • Arbitration under HKIAC Administered Rules regarding a dispute arising from a put option in a share subscription and purchase agreement involving claims over USD 90 million (governing law: Hong Kong law) (led by Victor Dawes SC, with Adrian Lai)
  • Arbitration under HKIAC Securities Arbitration Rules regarding claims to revoke and invalidate shareholders’ resolutions and board resolutions of a mainland Chinese company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (governing law: PRC law) (led by Bernard Man SC)
  • Arbitration under HKIAC Administered Rules regarding a dispute arising from a sale and purchase agreement for Bitcoin mining hardware involving claims of over USD 60 million (governing law: Hong Kong law) (led by Victor Dawes SC, with Astina Au)
  • Arbitration under HKIAC Administered Rules regarding a dispute arising from redemption clauses under an investment agreement and promissory notes (governing law: Hong Kong law) (led by Ng Jern-Fei KC, with Danny Tang)
  • Emergency Arbitrator Procedure under HKIAC Administered Rules - acted for the Respondent in an application for interlocutory injunction regarding the commercialisation of leukaemia medication (with Ms. Queenie Lau)
  • 商業糾紛
  • Summi Group (Holdings) Limited v. Hu Mingyue HCA 763/2022 – strike out application regarding a dispute arising from a shares subscription agreement involving a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (as sole counsel)
  • Oi Wah Credit Limited & Easy Lender Limited v. The Estate of Tang Shing Bor And Others HCMP 2404/2023 – mortgage claims under Order 88 of the Rules of the High Court, Cap 4A (as sole counsel)
  • Honour Sky Development Limited v. Tam Man Wai & Au Mo Ying, Christine HCMP 2024/2023 - mortgage claims under Order 88 of the Rules of the High Court, Cap 4A (as sole counsel)
  • See also cases under “ARBITRATION”.
  • 遺產 / 繼承
  • The Secretary for Justice v. The Joint and Several Administrators of the Estate of Nina Kung & Chinachem Charitable Foundation Limited [2022] HKCFI 3255 – application to settle a charitable scheme regarding the late Madam Nina Kung’s HKD 140 billion estate (led by Bernard Man SC, with Justin Lam)
  • 家事 / 婚姻
  • THY v. CHFR FCMC 1370/2018 – divorce and ancillary relief proceedings (with Bonnie Y K Cheng)
  • FJ v. CKSW FCMC 11040/2021 – ancillary relief proceedings (with Bonnie Y K Cheng)
  • 其他
  • The Commissioner of Inland Revenue v. Lo Wa Ming Patrick [2022] 2 HKLRD 1162 – appeal regarding relief from double taxation under section 8(1A)(c) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) (led by Stewart Wong SC, as amici curiae)
  • Provided an expert legal opinion on Hong Kong law in court proceedings in California, USA, in Elizabeth Y. Chung v. Altva Capital Management Limited, et al. (Case No: 21CV387639)
  • Advised a premium brand of cigars and cigar accessories and a major distributor of Cuban cigar in Asia Pacific on issues of statutory interpretation of the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap. 371) (led by Bernard Man SC)
  • Pacific Dunlop Garments Limited v. Fundamental Global Limited & Ors HCA 1655/2008 - leave application for order of committal (led by Mr. Jonathan Chang SC)
  • 關於天博

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