William Wong
認許: 2024 (香港)


  • PCLL, University of Hong Kong (Distinction)
  • LLM, Harvard Law School
  • BCL, University of Oxford (Distinction)
  • LLB, London School of Economics (First Class)


電話:(+852) 2523 2003


姓名:Karlie Li
電話:(+852) 2248 1961


English, Cantonese, Putonghua


  • 海事
  • 仲裁
  • 銀行 / 金融
  • 建築物 / 建造
  • 慈善
  • 民事欺詐 / 資產追回
  • 商業糾紛
  • 調查委員會 / 研訊
  • 公司法
  • 競爭法
  • 保密 / 私隱
  • 衝突法
  • 誹謗 / 傳媒
  • 紀律制裁
  • 歧視
  • 僱傭
  • 衡平法 / 信託
  • 家事 / 婚姻
  • 禁制令 / 藐視法庭
  • 破產清盤
  • 保險
  • 知識產權
  • 調解
  • 精神健康
  • 人身傷亡 / 醫療疏忽
  • 規劃
  • 遺產 / 繼承
  • 專業責任
  • 財產及物業轉移
  • 公法 / 司法覆核
  • 差餉物業估價
  • 歸還索償 / 不當得益
  • 證券法及監管
  • 稅務
  • 電訊
  • 出版刊物

  • Hong Kong SAR chapter of the World Arbitration Reporter (2024) (with Queenie Lau SC and Chiann Bao)
  • 獎學金 / 獎項

  • Bar Scholarship
  • Vinerian Scholarship (Proxime Accessit) for the Second Best Performance in the BCL
  • Law Faculty Prize in Corporate Insolvency Law (BCL)
  • 3 Verulam Buildings Prize for Legal Concepts in Financial Law (BCL)
  • Keble College Roger Lui Scholarship
  • China Oxford Scholarship Fund
  • Lecturer’s Prize for Best Performance in Jurisprudence
  • Linklaters Prize for Best Performance in Commercial Contracts
  • Mike Redmayne Prize for Best Performance in Law of Evidence
  • Charltons Prize for Best Performance in the First Year
  • Hughes Parry Prize for Contract Law/Law of Obligations
  • Hogan Lovells Prize for Obligations & Property I
  • 專業經驗

    William joined Chambers after completing pupillage with Mr Richard Khaw SC, Mr Anthony Chan SC, Mr Peter Chiu and Mr Danny Tang. He is developing a broad civil practice and accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work.

    Prior to commencing pupillage, William obtained his BCL degree from Oxford, ranking second in his year. William has worked as an Arbitration Assistant to leading independent arbitrators. During limited practice, he was instructed to appear in an HKIAC arbitration, representing a BVI entity.

    William was awarded the Bar Scholarship in 2023.


  • New Delta Trading Co., Ltd v South China Development (HK.) Ltd (HCA 1492/2023) – stay of proceedings application in favour of the Mainland court (led by Victor Dawes SC, with Danny Tang)
  • King Field Shipyard Ltd v Tai Pak Sea-Food Restaurant Ltd (HCA 1494/2022) – dispute over the preservation of vessels (led by Sara Tong SC)
  • Fine Vision Opportunity III Ltd v Xinyuan Real Estate Co., Ltd & Ors (HCA 355/2023) – acting for a noteholder in a summary judgment application against a Mainland real estate group (led by Victor Dawes SC)
  • Golden Miles Group Holdings Ltd v Jacob & Co. Ltd (HCA 2453/2017) – dispute over a distribution agreement (led by Anthony Chan SC)
  • Li Yuhong v oOo Securities (HK) Group Ltd (HCA 475/2020) – dispute over investment products, including claims in misrepresentation and breach of fiduciary duties (with Danny Tang)
  • 仲裁
  • Arbitration under the HKIAC Rules – acting for an BVI entity in recovering a loan (with Queenie Lau SC)
  • Appointed as tribunal secretary in various HKIAC arbitration proceedings
  • 遺產 / 繼承
  • Lie Ming, the Committee of the Estate of HJF v Cheng Kam Wa Thomas & Ors (HCAP 3/2024) – ongoing dispute on the validity of wills (led by Anthony Chan SC)
  • 破產清盤
  • Re Chan Ka Chung (HCB 363/2024) – obtained an interim order to implement an individual voluntary arrangement (led by Queenie Lau SC)
  • 關於天博

  • 歷史與理念
  • 前成員
  • 聯絡我們
  • 成員

  • 執業範疇
  • 資深/御用大律師
  • 大律師
  • 仲裁員
  • 調解員
  • 加入天博

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  • 獎學金
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