公法 / 司法覆核
ZN v Secretary for Justice (2020) 23 HKCFAR 15
《香港人權法案》第四條是否包括禁止販運人口或規定了須要刑事化的責任(協助英國御用大律師Pannick勳爵、黃繼明資深大律師和鮑進龍資深大律師)Leung Kwok Hung v Commissioner of Correctional Services (2020) 23 HKCFAR 456
監獄中基於性別的外貌規定是否具有歧視性(協助黃繼明資深大律師和鮑進龍資深大律師)Nick Infinger v Hong Kong Housing Authority [2024] HKCFA 29;[2024] 1 HKC 411 (上诉法庭); [2020] 1 HKLRD 1188(原讼法庭)
排除同性伴侶申請公屋是否構成歧視(協助陳樂信資深大律師)Ng Hon Lam Edgar, Li Yik Ho v Hong Kong Housing Authority [2024] HKCFA 29; [2024] 1 HKC 411 (上诉法庭)
居者有其屋計劃單位的成員加入和轉讓政策是否因排斥同性伴侶而構成歧視(協助陳樂信資深大律師)Chan Ka Lam v The Country and Marine Parks Authority (2020) 23 HKCFAR 41
《郊野公園條例》第5(1)(b)條規定的法定釋義和諮詢責任(協助陳樂信資深大律師,並與林瀚基大律師共同代理) Sime Darby Motor Services Ltd v Director of Lands FACV 10/2024 (pending appeal)
Whether the Government’s decision to reject an in-situ land exchange application is amenable to judicial review (led by Jin Pao SC, with Justin Lam) Siti Khotimah & Reza Sahin v Director of Immigration [2022] 2 HKLRD 54
高等法院原訟法庭就限制上訴作出限制法律程序令的司法管轄權(協助陳樂信資深大律師主辦;以法庭之友身份出庭)Royal Billion Investment Limited v Town Planning Board HCAL 1916/2018(高院憲法及行政訴訟2018年第1916號)
涉及城市規劃委員會對城市規劃條例第12A條申請的裁定(協助鄭蕙心資深大律師)Junior Police Officers’ Association of the Hong Kong Police Force and Anor v Electoral Affairs Commission, Chief Electoral Officer and Electoral Registration Officer (高院憲法及行政訴訟2019年第3042號);[2020]3 HKLRD 39(上訴法庭)
公開披露選民的關聯姓名和地址是否侵犯隱私(協助陳樂信資深大律師,並與高東利大律師共同代理)Kwok Cheuk Kin and Leung Kwok Hung v President of the Legislative Council for and on behalf of the Legislative Council (高院憲法及行政訴訟2017年第1094和1120號)
《基本法》第75(1)條規定的法定人數要求是否適用于立法會全體委員會會議(協助余若海資深大律師和陳樂信資深大律師,並與鄧俊傑大律師共同代理)在有關根據《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》第25A條使用不同意書的司法覆核中提供法律意見(協助陳樂信資深大律師,並與Timothy Parker大律師共同代理) 仲裁
X v Y [2021] 2 HKC 68
以管轄權和程序公正為由,就一臺灣仲裁庭裁決的強制執行進行抗辯(協助文本立資深大律師,並與何宇浩大律師共同代理)Z v R (高院建築及仲裁訴訟2021年第11號)
在根據《仲裁條例》第34條就一項投資者/東道國管轄權裁決進行的覆核中,對某主權國家進行抗辯,涉及根據國際公法就某雙邊投資條約進行釋義(協助石永泰資深大律師)LY v HW(高院建築及仲裁訴訟2021年第96號)
基於“裁決不全” (infra petita)提起的異議(協助余若海資深大律師和文本立資深大律)HKIAC arbitration
Acting against a state-owned enterprise in a heavy shareholder dispute concerning the listing of a maritime company at a Nordic stock exchange (led by Luke Parsons KC)HKIAC arbitration
Acting for a joint venture shareholder to uphold the validity of an expert valuer’s determination (led by Victor Joffe SC, with Justin Ho)HKIAC arbitration
Joint venture dispute involving unfair prejudice claims under BVI law and compensatory claims of over USD100m (led by John Passmore KC)L v R HCCT 18/2024
Defending an award in a s.81 AO setting aside application made under infra petita and procedural fairness grounds (led by Bernard Man SC)HKIAC / PA19116
根據《香港國際仲裁中心規則》就一件發生於中國的複雜租務糾紛進行仲裁(協助薛日華資深大律師)HKIAC / 20054
在一起建築仲裁糾紛中提出管轄權異議(協助杜淦堃資深大律師)在多件拒絕強制執行和申請撤銷裁決的程序中提供意見就涉及香港合同法的問題為在新加坡進行的仲裁程序提供法律意見 Dr The Honourable Leung Ka-Lau v Commissioner of Inland Revenue (2023) 26 HKCFAR 539
Whether a payment made to an employee to compensate for the loss of his contractual entitlements to rest days and holidays as a result of being required by his employer to work on those days is “income from employment” under s.8 IRO (led by Eugene Fung SC)Koo Ming Kown, Murakami Tadao v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2022] 25 HKCFAR 233
根據《稅務條例》第82A(1)(a)條,公司管理人員因在公司納稅人錯誤的報稅表上簽字造成補加稅評稅而承擔的責任(協助馮庭碩資深大律師;以法庭之友身份出庭)China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2022] 5 HKLRD 666
就《稅務條例》第17(1)(c)條而言,納稅人向通訊事務管理局預付的一攬子“頻譜使用費”應屬資本支出抑或收入支出(協助英國御用大律師Kevin Prosser和馮庭碩資深大律師)B/R 8/22 – one-week hearing at the Board of Review on whether annual payments under a major railway concession agreement are capital or revenue expenditure for the purpose of s.17(1)(c) IRO (led by Kevin Prosser KC and Eugene Fung SC) Hsin Chong Construction Company Ltd (In Liquidation) v Build King Construction Limited (2021) 24 HKCFAR 98
關於公司(清盤及雜項條文)條例第182條的批准申請(協助萬崇理資深大律師)Hsin Chong Construction Company Ltd (In Provisional Liquidation) v Build King Construction Limited [2020] 1 HKLRD 316 (CA)
關於反剝奪原則、同等權益原則以及《公司(清盤及雜項條文)條例》第182條的範圍(協助陳靜芬資深大律師主辦)Re ZPMC-Red Box Energy Services Ltd HCCW 368/2021
對抗涉及代位權和抵押用途問題的清盤申請(協助鐘偉滔資深大律師,並與何宇浩大律師共同代理)Re ZPMC-Red Box Energy Services Ltd(公司清盤:補充證據)[2022] 3 HKLRD 4
有關清盤程序中提交補充證據的適用原則(由鐘偉滔御用大律師主辦) 證券法及監管
Choi Chi Kin, Calvin v SFC(證券及期貨事務上訴審裁處2022年第4號 )
覆核證監會根據《證券及期貨條例》第194和196條作出的裁定(協助李律仁資深大律師)就公司是否適合上市提供意見(協助李律仁資深大律師)就申請更改證監會限制性通知提供意見(協助李律仁資深大律師)就歸類於集體投資計劃的事項提供意見(協助李律仁資深大律師)就證券保證金融資提供意見(協助李律仁資深大律師)就針對香港交易所暫停某上市發行人的股票交易並啟動退市程序的決定而提出的司法覆核申請提供意見(協助李律仁資深大律師)Andrew Edward Left v Securities and Futures Commission (2020) 23 HKCFAR 280 (協助李律仁資深大律師) 商業糾紛
Hui Chun Ping v Hui Kau Mo [2024] HKCFA 32; [2024] 2 HKLRD 178 (CA); HCA 2653/2018
Whether limitation periods are applicable to claims against fiduciaries in respect of their acquisition of unauthorised profits from third parties; s.20 Limitation Ordinance (led by Bernard Man SC at first instance, and Paul Shieh SC on appeal)Re ZPMC-Red Box Energy Services Ltd [2021] 4 HKLRD 559
有關第622章第729條法定禁制令和藐視法庭罪(協助鐘偉滔御用大律師,並與何宇浩大律師共同代理)China Shanshui Cement Group Limited & Ors v Zhang Caikui & Ors(高院民事訴訟2015年第2880號)
為期41天的審訊,涉及違反董事職責和非法手段共謀(協助梁偉文資深大律師)Advising on disputes within a professional unincorporated association (led by Mike Lui SC)DP Properties Ltd v E Cube Club (Tsuen Wan) Ltd (高院民事訴訟2017年第2003號)(協助薛日華資深大律師) Gain Global Corp Ltd v Fongs (a firm) [2024] 2 HKLRD 399
Trial of a solicitors’ negligence action concerning mortgage fraud and the borrower’s loss of title deeds (led by Eugene Fung SC) Re An alleged mentally incapacitated person WSY [2024] HKCFI 2713
Acting for the Committee of a mentally incapacitated person (MIP) in opposition to a relative’s application directing the Committee to sell assets of the MIP to himself (led by Eugene Fung SC, and by Jin Pao SC at the hearing) 在保險代理登記委員會的紀律處分程序中代理保險公司,案件編號為C17/806/JC和C17/1184/JC,涉及表面權限和自然公正問題(協助鮑進龍資深大律師) Centre Chase Investment Ltd中紀投資有限公司 v International Industrial Building, Castle Peak Road (IO)青山道國際工業大廈業主立案法團
[2021] 5 HKLRD 457 (CA); [2023] 1 HKLRD 1073 (CA); [2024] HKCA 1179 (led by Abraham Chan SC, with Lawrence Ng and Henry Cheng) Chan Kam Shing Alexander v Chan Tin Yau [2023] HKCFI 1092
莊嚴形式的遺囑認證,及根據《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》第33條撤銷執行遺囑的執行人Re Estate of Mimi Chan HCEA 61/2022