Astina Au
Call: 2016 (HK)


  • PCLL (Distinction), The University of Hong Kong
  • LL.M., Harvard Law School
  • LL.B., The University of Hong Kong
  • BBA (Law), The University of Hong Kong


電話:(+852) 2523 2003


姓名:Candy Chau



  • 商業糾紛
  • 公司法
  • 禁制令 / 藐視法庭
  • 破產清盤
  • 遺產 / 繼承
  • 證券法及監管
  • 仲裁
  • 銀行 / 金融
  • 建築物 / 建造
  • 民事欺詐 / 資產追回
  • 衝突法
  • 保密 / 私隱
  • 誹謗 / 傳媒
  • 紀律制裁
  • 歧視
  • 僱傭
  • 衡平法 / 信託
  • 精神健康
  • 財產及物業轉移
  • 專業責任
  • 歸還索償 / 不當得益
  • 委任及公職

  • Member of the Management Committee, Consumer Legal Action Fund (2021 to present)
  • Member of the Complaints Panel of the Insurance Complaints Bureau (2024 to present)
  • Member, Committee on Financial and Securities Law, Hong Kong Bar Association (2020 to present)
  • Member, Standing Committee on Continuing Education, Hong Kong Bar Association (2021 to present)
  • Coach for the University of Hong Kong team in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (2018 to 2022)
  • 出版刊物

  • Contributing Editor, Hong Kong Civil Procedure (2018 to present)
  • 獎學金 / 獎項

  • Bar Scholarship
  • The Victor and William Fung Fellowship
  • Champion and Overall Best Oralist of the North American Grand Finals of the 13th ELSA WTO Moot Court Competition
  • HKSAR Government Scholarship
  • HKU Alumni Prize
  • Champion of ESU-Essex Court Chambers National Mooting Competition
  • HKU Worldwide Exchange Scholarship
  • Dean’s Honours List
  • Champion and Best Oralist of the Basic Law Mooting Competition
  • 專業經驗

    Astina maintains a broad civil practice which includes commercial and banking law, land law, insolvency law, company law, securities and regulatory matters, professional negligence and probate. She has appeared as a sole advocate before the Court of Appeal, Court of First Instance, District Court, Lands Tribunal, and has ample experience handling trials on her own.

    Astina is a bar scholar and has been ranked as a rising star in Legal 500. She is described as “bright and commercial”, and has been commended for her “excellent” advocacy skills. Sources reported that she is “able to provide sensible advice within a tight timeline”, and “knows how to present the arguments in the best possible light”.


  • 廈門新景地集團有限公司 v Eton Properties Ltd [2024] HKCFI 1291: 8-day trial on assessment of damages for breach of implied promise to perform arbitral award (led by Benjamin Yu SC, Richard Khaw SC, with Bonnie Cheng); [2023] 4 HKC 373: resisting anti-arbitration injunction to restrain continuation of arbitration before CIETAC Tribunal (led by Benjamin Yu SC and Paul Shieh SC)
  • G v X & Ors [2022] 3 HKLRD 297: Resisting application for recognition and enforcement of a RMB 600 million CIETAC arbitral award on the basis that (inter alia) the dispute was subject to a re-arbitration (led by Paul Shieh SC)
  • Luso International Banking Limited v Integrity Fund Limited Partnership & Ors [2023] HKCFI 2936: Resisting appeal against summary judgment awarding a sum of over HK$200 million in a dispute arising out of (inter alia) a facility agreement alleged to be tainted by bribery and/or breaches of fiduciary duties (led by Jin Pao SC)
  • Jumbo Fair Limited v PACM Series 235 Limited [2022] HKCFI 3750: Action for redemption of mortgage involving redemption sum of over HK$200 million (led by Victor Dawes SC)
  • 破產清盤
  • Re Lau Wang Chi, Barry [2024] HKCFI 493: Resisting application to set aside statutory demand brought on the ground (inter alia) that the debt is tainted by illegality (for contravening the Gambling Ordinance (Cap. 148)) (sole advocate)
  • Re Everwin Enterprise (Hong Kong), HCCW 395/2021: Resisting winding-up petition on the basis of disputed debt allegedly tainted by illegality (led by Paul Shieh SC)
  • Re Silver Base International Development Co Ltd, HCCW 328/2021: Resisting winding-up petition on the basis of a cross-claim against the petitioner (led by Victor Dawes SC)
  • 禁制令 / 藐視法庭
  • DP World Djiouti FZCO & Ors v China Merchants Port Holdings HCA 1951/2018: Application for anti-suit injunction restraining the prosecution of legal proceedings commenced before the Djibouti Court (led by Paul Shieh SC and Sara Tong SC)
  • Seres Properties BV v Lee Hock Pun & Anor HCA 1287/2022: Application for anti-suit injunction restraining the prosecution of legal proceedings commenced before the Shanghai Court (led by Sara Tong SC)
  • C v D HCA 841/2024: Application for injunction restraining a firm of solicitors from acting for a former client on the ground of breach of confidence (sole advocate)
  • H Company v E1 Company & Ors HCCT 36/2024: Resisting injunction restraining expert from acting in an arbitration on the basis of alleged breach of confidence and breach of fiduciary duties (led by Sara Tong SC)
  • 專業責任
  • Tenwow International Holdings Limited (in liquidation) v Pricewaterhousecoopers (A firm) & Anor [2024] HKCFI 1146: application for letter of request to be issued to the Mainland Court to enable the transfer of audit working papers from Mainland to Hong Kong for production in the context of an audit negligence claim (led by Paul Shieh SC)
  • China Forestry Holdings Co Ltd (in official liquidation) & Ors v KPMG (A firm) HCCL 9/2019: Acted for the Plaintiffs in relation to a professional negligence claim against auditors for breach of duties arising from failure to identify misstatements in the accounts of a group of companies purportedly owning significant plantation assets (led by Mark Simpson KC, with Jason Karas)
  • 財產及物業轉移
  • Wheelock SDL Finance Ltd & Ors v I-Automation Limited (formerly known as Industrial Automation Limited) & Ors LDCS 10000/2022: Trial of an application for compulsory sale order under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. 545) (sole advocate)
  • Smart Host Limited v Acewell Investments Limited LDCS 29000/2020: Trial of an application for compulsory sale order under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. 545) (sole advocate)
  • Yeung Hock Wai v Chan Wai Man, the Administratrix of the Estate of Yeung Hung Hei Patrick, Deceased, HCA 2812/2015: Trial concerning existence and enforceability of a gift of land allegedly subject to conditions subsequent; issues of limitation and laches (led by Paul Lam SC)
  • 遺產 / 繼承
  • Re Estate of Wong Shou Chen [2020] HKCFI 2410: 18-day trial concerning validity of 5 wills challenged on the bases of, inter alia, lack of testamentary capacity, want of knowledge and approval, undue influence, presumed revocation (led by Horace Wong SC, with Benjamin Chain)
  • Advised trustees on an application to vary a provision to vary a provision of a will under the Variation of Trusts Ordinance (Cap. 253) (led by Horace Wong SC)
  • 衝突法
  • Shi Jiu Xing v Hong Kong A-Sun Group Co. Ltd & Ors, HCMP 44/2020, HCMP 178/2020: Resisting stay of proceedings pending resolution of PRC proceedings in an application for rectification of share register and convening of annual general meeting (led by Laurence Li SC)
  • Chen Hongqing v Liu Yiu Keung Stephen & Ors, [2021] HKCFI 440, HCA 1699/2019: Resisting application for joinder in an application for enforcement of PRC judgment (led by Paul Lam SC, with Vincent Lung)
  • 仲裁
  • HKIAC Rules: 5-day arbitration in respect of a claim of over US$20 million arising out of an agreement for the supply of bitcoin miners (led by Victor Dawes SC)
  • HKIAC Rules: ongoing arbitration in respect of a claim of over US$100 million arising out of a share subscription agreement (led by Rimsky Yuen SC)
  • 關於天博

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