Alvin Cheung
認許: 2024 (香港)


  • BA (Jurisprudence), University of Oxford (First Class)
  • Bachelor of Civil Law, University of Oxford (Distinction)
  • Master of Laws, University of Chicago Law School
  • PCLL, The University of Hong Kong


電話:(+852) 2523 2003


姓名:Gobby Yau
電話:(+852) 2248 1827




  • 海事
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  • 衡平法 / 信託
  • 家事 / 婚姻
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  • 歸還索償 / 不當得益
  • 證券法及監管
  • 稅務
  • 電訊
  • 出版刊物

  • Ernest Leung and Alvin Cheung, “To Stay or Not to Stay – Asking the Right Questions: Re Guy Kwok Hung Lam” [2022] JBL 653 (cited in Sian Participation Corp v Halimeda International Ltd [2024] UKPC 16)
  • 獎學金 / 獎項

  • Bar Scholarship
  • Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence
  • University of Chicago Law School Scholarship
  • Exhibitioner Scholarship, awarded by University College
  • Second-year Scholarship, awarded by University College
  • Final Scholarship Award, awarded by University College
  • John Deech Prize for Best Paper in Property Law, University College
  • Blackstone Human Rights Moot – Champion and Best Oralist
  • PAX Conflict of Laws Moot – Best Pleader Award
  • Oxford Intellectual Property Law Moot – 8 New Square Prize for Best Written Submissions Award
  • 專業經驗

    Alvin joined Chambers after completing his pupillage with Mr. Abraham Chan SC, Mr. Marco Li, Ms. Theresa Chow, and Ms. Sheena Wong. During limited practice, Alvin appeared as a sole advocate and represented two Hong Kong companies in an ex parte injunction hearing for a dispute worth over HK$3,000,000.

    Alvin completed his BA (Jurisprudence) (First Class Honours) and BCL (Distinction) at the University of Oxford, and his LLM at the University of Chicago Law School. He was one of three individuals awarded the Bar Scholarship in 2024.

    He is developing a broad civil practice and accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work.


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